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Archibald Campbell


Burrows Harbour


D-125 (240 acres, 29 Jul 1789)

Archibald Campbell. Origin: Loyalist.

Captain of “Archibald Campbell’s Company” of South Carolina Light Dragoons, Campbell led many other men, including Quarter-Master George Gray and Private Mark Kersey. These two men were also granted land on Long Island, so although Archibald Campbell is a very common Scottish name, we believe this association makes it likely that this was our land grantee. Archibald Campbell received 240 acres of land in the Burrows Harbour area, in the southern portion of Long Island, on 29 July 1789.

An Archibald Campbell also received land in Nova Scotia, along with several other Loyalists who later settled on Long Island. He was described as a cooper in a family of 2, with 2 servants.*

Reference: LSC.
*Nova Scotia Land Papers 1765-1800.

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