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John Rowland




D-78 (100 acres, 28 of unknown month 1788)

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John Rowland. Origin: Old Family Name.

A Private John Rowland of Mississippi is listed in Loyalists of the Southern Campaign (LSC). Rowland is also an Old Family Name, as Charles Rowland was born on New Providence 11 June 1741. Charles Rowland is also listed as the grandson of Mary Rowland in Mary’s will probated on 2 October 1758. The Rowland surname is listed in the 1731 Census on New Providence and in the 1740 Census on Eleuthera.

John Rowland received 100 acres in the Miley area of Long Island on 28th of (month illegible) 1788. Because he was mentioned only once in LSC and was of low rank, we believe this John Rowland was not a Loyalist but an Old Inhabitant. The name “John Rowland” is listed for grant D-78 on the Lands & Surveys map, but on the 1792 Tatnall map, the same parcel is depicted as having been owned by “John Raydols.”

References: LSC, Census 1740.

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