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John Symnet




D-145 (60 acres, 21 Sept 1790)

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John Symnet. Origin: Old Family Name.

John Symnet received a 60-acre grant in the Bains area of Long Island on 21 September 1790; this parcel was bounded by the land of Elizabeth Green and Andrew Deveaux and by vacant land.

The Symnet name is also almost certainly the same family as the phonetically similar surnames Simonett (1740 Census), Symmonet, or Simmonett, and other similar-sounding, but variously spelled versions. A Catherine Simmonett was born to John and Mary Simmonett in the Bahamas on 4 April 1725. By the beginning of the nineteenth century, most of the Bahamians with this name were living, getting married, and baptizing their children on the island of Eleuthera.

John Symnet, a mariner, signed an agreement with John Ferguson in 1765 that was witnessed by John Pinder.

References: JR, LDS.

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