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Doctors Creek


D-47 (22 acres, 10 May 1788)

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Joshua Taylor. Origin. Unknown.

Joshua Taylor, apparently unrelated to Archibald and Duncan, received a land grant of 22 acres in the Doctors Creek area of Long Island on 10 May 1788.

Records show this land was part of the large grant to Josiah Tatnall. The date of the grant may be in error, as Tatnall’s land was later reclaimed by the Crown for non-payment of quit rent and regranted. A Joshua Taylor was born on Long Island 17 February 1851 to Robert and Ophelia Taylor. Joshua may have been the progenitor of a line of Taylors who lived in the area of Doctor’s Creek/Bain’s Bluff until modern times.

Reference: 1734 Census, DR.

Joshua Taylor

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