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D-64 (100 acres, 12 Sept 1788)

Rebecca Darling. Origin: Unknown

On 12 September 1788, Rebecca Darling received a grant of 100 acres in the present-day Millers settlement on Long Island, per the Lands & Surveys Map. This land grant parcel is shown on the 1792 Tatnall map as having been granted to Robert Darling. Rebecca was Robert’s mother, who had likely also had children with adjoining landowner and second husband, Loyalist George Millar. After she died in 1795, her land was later commuted to the Estate of George Millar.

We were not able to find the Darling name in early Bahamian records, nor were we able to find a Robert or Rebecca Darling in our Loyalist sources.

References: Lands & Surveys Map, Tatnall, Grant

Rebecca Darling

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