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D-44 (100 acres, 11 Sept 1789)

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Timothy Berry. Origin: Unknown.

Timothy Berry received a grant for 100 acres of Long Island land, unsurprisingly located in the area of the Berrys Settlement, on 11 September 1789. The land was bounded by that of Donald Ferguson, Silvester Crispin, Bromfield Bonamy, and vacant land.

We did not find the Berry surname in early Bahamian records. In Homeward Bound, he is listed as a proven Loyalist who arrived on Abaco during the Loyalist period. He received a land grant on Abaco of 140 acres in 1789. It should be noted that the quit rent on his land granted on Long Island was only exempt for 2 years, meaning he was not afforded the more generous 10-year exemption given to Loyalists. His neighbors included two Loyalists (Ferguson and Crispin), and an Old Inhabitant, so that was not elucidating, either. Therefore we remain uncertain as to his origin.

Reference: HB App. E, Grant

Timothy Berry

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